Marriage, Divorce, Custody, Paternity, and more

With our limited scope services, like consultation, mediation, and preparation of documents, 808 Attorney Damir Kouliev provides a fresh approach to issues like divorce, paternity, custody, TRO / protective orders , child support, and parental rights, on Maui, Big Island and all of Hawaii remotely.

Instead of expensive and stressful litigation, he instead works to diffuse conflict and to guide towards lasting solutions for custody and support of children, and division of assets and debts – out of court if possible.  He specializes in clear, reliable and concise legal documents, including parenting plans, uncontested divorce, prenuptial, postnuptial, and separation agreements, stipulations, declarations, and motions.

Please send a detailed email to and order a low-cost phone consultation, to take charge of your situation today.